Joel Embiid Wife, Who Is Joel Embiid Wife?, Career And Personal Life

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Who Is Anne de Paula? Anne de Paula is an award-winning Brazilian model known for her vibrant presence and engaging personality, earning notoriety not only within modeling circles but also as Joel Embiid’s supportive wife in NBA circles. Born March 31 1995 in Rio de Janeiro Brazil, Anne transitioned her early interest in soccer into successful modeling endeavors that became featured regularly on Sports Illustrated Swimsuit editions.

How did Anne de Paula and Joel Embiid Meet?

Anne and Joel met through mutual friends at dinner in New York City in 2018, which then blossomed through frequent FaceTime calls, gradually progressing from friendship to romance. Anne’s approachable nature combined with their shared interests such as soccer and being trilingual created a firm foundation for their romance.

What Are Anne de Paula’s Career Highlights?

Anne was launched into modeling when she won Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2017 Model Search. Since then she has appeared four consecutive issues, traveling to exotic locales such as Anguilla, Nevis Kenya and Dominican Republic for shoots – her unforgettable experience shooting next to a lion while shooting there in 2019 is testament to both Anne’s adventurous nature and commitment to her craft.

How Has Anne de Paula Influenced Joel Embiid’s Life?

Anne has been an important element in Joel’s life, offering emotional support and motivation. Joel credits Anne with helping to maintain focus and equilibrium both on and off the court; her influence can be seen through Joel’s affectionate social media posts and public acknowledgements thanking Anne for encouraging him to be himself while pushing him towards reaching his maximum potential.

What Are Anne De Paula’s Interests and Hobbies?

Anne has always loved sports. When she was growing up she played soccer competitively for six years; although modeling now takes priority. Additionally she enjoys cooking truffle pasta dishes as a hobby as well as practicing Muay Thai as part of an active lifestyle.

How Does Anne De Paula Connect to Her Cultural Roots?

Anne takes great pride in being Brazilian, sharing her heritage and love of Rio de Janeiro via social media. Although she frequently travels overseas for work purposes, Anne remains deeply connected to her home nation of Brazil despite this.

What Languages Does Anne de Paula Speak?

Anne can communicate effectively in Portuguese, English and French allowing her to easily build connections across a broad array of people such as Joel who shares this proficiency. Being fluent in all three languages not only enhances Anne’s personal life but gives her an edge professionally as well.

What Is Anne de Paula’s Vision for the Future?

Anne plans on capitalizing on her platform and experiences to launch a successful business venture, such as starting her own clothing or brand line. Her motivation stems from providing for her family as well as contributing to society through charitable works; reflecting both her ambitious yet compassionate personality.

Anne de Paula stands as more than just a model or the wife of an NBA star; she’s an individual with dreams, passions and an impactful impact on those she touches. Anne’s relationship with Joel Embiid exemplifies what two people can accomplish when united under mutual support and shared values; an impressive feat they continue on their journey together through love, support and mutual growth.

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