“Star Wars Outlaws,” an open-world adventure developed by Massive Entertainment and Ubisoft set during the original trilogy, promises to transport players back into galactic adventure! This immersive single player experience promises an experience unlike anything seen before – something no other Star Wars title could do before now!
Release Date and Platforms
Ubisoft has officially unveiled an estimated release date of August 30, 2024 for “Star Wars Outlaws.” Fans can set their calendars now as the release window has now narrowed considerably allowing players to have something specific to look forward to in 2024.
The Story of Kay Vess
In “Star Wars Outlaws,” players take control of Kay Vess, an unscrupulous criminal known for planning one of the greatest heists ever attempted on Outer Rim. The narrative takes place between “The Empire Strikes Back” and “Return of the Jedi”, when Imperial power was at its greatest and rebellion against it was still active – an important turning point.
A Golden Age for the Underworld
“Star Wars Outlaws” promises an “era of expansion for the Star Wars universe’s underworld”, as evidenced in its new trailer. Players will encounter criminal organizations such as Zerek Besh, Pikes and Crimson Dawn alongside familiar figures such as Jabba the Hutt. Additionally, new heroes and villains exclusive to this adventure could appear too!
Exploring the Galaxy
As Kay Vess, players will navigate the intricate web of Star Wars universe factions – from criminal elements to Imperial rule – like never before. Accompanied by Nix (an alien friend from Nix Labs), Merqaal and BX droid ND-5 (BX droid for Navigational Development 5), players will set off on an intergalactic adventure visiting Canto Bight, Kijimi Tatooine Akiva Toshara!
More Star Wars Projects on the Horizon
“Star Wars Outlaws” is just one of several new Star Wars projects currently in development under Lucasfilm Games. Other anticipated titles include a sequel to “Star Wars Jedi: Survivor” by Respawn Entertainment, an untitled Star Wars strategy game, and an untitled Star Wars game from Skydance New Media led by former Uncharted creative director Amy Hennig. Additionally, Quantic Dream is working on “Star Wars: Eclipse,” set during the High Republic era, and “Star Wars Hunters,” a combat arena game for Android, iOS, and Nintendo Switch.
“Star Wars Outlaws” promises an engaging storyline, captivating characters, and planet exploration – making for an unparalleled Star Wars gaming experience! As its release date draws nearer, fans eagerly anticipate experiencing its thrill of galactic theft first hand through daring criminals!