How to Reset Asus Router to default Settings?

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Hi there, today in this guide you will find enhanced methods to troubleshoot Asus wifi router problems. Asus router reset is an easy and quick way to erase all current settings and revert the router back to default settings so that you can reconfigure it or use it just like a new router.

Be certain About Router Reset

Before you hit the Reset Key be certain about it because once you reset the router all the settings, SSID, wifi password and any custom settings you might have done will be erased. all existing connections will be erased and all settings will revert back to factory settings.

in our experience Doing a hard Reset more than 5 times back to back may cause hardware failure so be careful not to do the over reset of the router.

it’s Easy to Reset the router and reconfigure it again without any problem only if you follow this guide in a simple way.

Choose the Reset Method for Router

Asus router can be reset in two easy methods, Soft Reset and Hard Reset Depending on the current Problem you can Choose which method suits your need better.

if your router is still working and you are able to login the Asus router page then doing the soft reset is easy however if your router is having problems and you are not able to access the router settings then a hard reset is the only choice you are left with.

Hard Reset asus Router

  • Disconnect the Modem from the Router (Optional)
  • Ensure the router is plugged into the power source
  • put on Rubber gloves if possible and locate the reset key at the back of the router
  • Press the reset key and hold it for the next 20-30 seconds until you see lights flashing on the router.
  • give it a minute and restart the router

Now the Asus router settings have been restored back to factory defaults. you can perform an easy Asus router setup and customize the router settings as per your need.

Now in case, your router is already working and you don’t want to risk hardware failure then checkout Simple Soft Reset

Soft Reset Asus Router

  • once logged into the router settings Go to the administration and then choose Restore/upload settings
  • Check the box in front of Restore and click on Restore and in the next pop window please Confirm the Restore
  • Give it a minute while it’s being restored and then let it restart to refresh the settings.

Restart the Modem and the router one more time before you start the setup process.

we are hoping all the information provided above would help you sort out the reset concern, still, if you have any questions and are in need of any help with the Asus router please feel free to comment and let us know your problem and we will help you further.

thank you for Reading this informative guide on

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